S.P. 55 Porto Conte - Capo Caccia
km 8,400 Loc. Tramariglio
07041 Alghero (SS) Italy
Postal address: Porto Conte Ricerche S. r. l. - Casella Postale 84 07040 Santa Maria La Palma (SS) – Italy
Ph [+39] 079 998400 - Fax [+39] 079 998567
Email [email protected]
Focus on Small Ruminant Mastitis 14 - 16 giugno 2018
Porto Conte Ricerche organized an International Scientific School Entitled “Focus on Small Ruminant Mastitis” at Porto Conte Ricerche, June 14-16, 2018
The event will offer opportunities for training, update and discussion on small ruminant mastitis, presenting and discussing causes, diffusion and management in the Mediterranean, European, and Extra-European context. “Focus on Small Ruminant Mastitis” is open to researchers, professionals, technicians, students, farmers and producers working with dairy small ruminants.
The official language will be English. However, translation to and from Italian will be available to enable full participation to the lectures and discussions.
All info in the Scientific School official page